What we are doing
Public catering takes place in many locations from schools and universities, hospitals and elderly homes, to the canteens of ministries, military facilities and, yes, also prisons. It is such part of almost every citizen life, guaranteeing for at least one hot meal per day at an affordable price. With an EU-average of 85 million catered meals per day in the EU (over 50% through contract catering), sustainable food procurement in public institutions provides an enormous potential to push market demand for greener products (ICLEI 2019). The underlying system of public procurement and catering services (PPCS) is rather complex and varies from country to country and institution to institution. The notion of PPCS contains, on the one hand, the buying of food and catering services by a public servant and, on the other hand, the preparation and serving of public meals by a catering service. Funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region (BSR) programme, StratKIT aims to construct sustainability pathways across the BSR targeting its food and catering purchasing actions by: • Showing how strategic progress can be made towards increased sustainability • Bringing together the professionals so that they can network and become animated about sustainable development in the food/catering sector • Tuning the results into the BSR Sustainability Toolkit - an easy-to-follow and bottom-up guidance for professionals in the sector to speed up local applications for sustainability These achievements will harmonise progress, bring BSR countries closer to each other, have a positive impact on societal appreciation of public services, and send a strong message to the market to boost the availability of sustainable goods and services.
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