What we are doing
Cities in East Asia are becoming more proactive in addressing climate change and mobilizing international efforts, as well as implementing innovative climate solutions. For example, Seoul established the “Solar Explorer Team” to identify potential sites for solar PV installations to achieve 5 GW of installed capacity by 2050. Tokyo set green hydrogen as a pillar for its future decarbonized energy system. Facing severe air pollution, Ulaanbaatar aims to improve building efficiency and manage transport to reduce CO2 and air pollutant emissions. Additionally, the exploration of East Asian cities on decarbonization can provide valuable lessons for cities in other regions. While cities in the East Asian region have shown firm commitment to achieving carbon neutrality, there is currently limited mechanism for them to exchange expertise and share their accomplishments with peer cities and the international community. The East Asia Carbon Neutral Cities Accelerator is dedicated to establishing a platform and partnership that enables most ambitious East Asian cities to showcase their cutting-edge efforts and achievements in realizing carbon neutrality. This will be achieved through the organization of an annual knowledge exchange event, starting in 2024, and the systematic compilation of best practices data from cities on a yearly basis. Through these strategic measures, the initiative aims to foster collaboration and highlight the ongoing commitment of East Asian cities to carbon neutrality.
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