What we are doing
The Energy transition of the EU building stock needs to evolve from being an energy waster to being highly energy efficient and an energy producer, as a prerequisite for Europe’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal. Achieving those targets requires shifting from the present slow-paced energy renovation market towards a dynamic plus energy market. To contribute to this endeavour, EXCESS will spearhead four innovative demonstration projects, introducing technical solutions that enable buildings to produce more renewable energy than they consume over the course of a year. By implementing demonstration projects in the Nordic, Continental, Oceanic and Mediterranean climate zones, EXCESS seeks to test, validate and share PEB solutions with high replicability potential across Europe.
EXCESS merges technical concepts for Positive Energy Buildings (PEBs) with new opportu-nities for the production of renewable energy and self-consumption, as provided by the EU Clean Energy Package. In addition to driving forward the development of building materials to enable PEBs in diverse climatic conditions, a key focus of EXCESS lies on facilitating the integration of building technologies.
Further, the project harnesses co-design processes to reflect user requirements and market players’ needs to optimise the integration of innovation technologies. This user-centric ap-proach is instrumental for the development of positive energy building solution packages that can be replicated broadly. By engaging local, regional as well as national and international stake-holders throughout the project cycle, EXCESS [1] supports better policy-making for positive energy buildings and districts; [2] promotes the deployment of integrated energy efficiency / generation solutions in building construction and renovation; [3] raises awareness on the importance of energy efficiency in the built environment.
How we are tracking
• 6 new technologies developed and integrated in PEB buildings by the end of the project
• 10 new technological solutions demonstrated in the pilot sites
• 100% of technology-ICT integration completed
• 6 novel control optimisation concepts completed and realised by the end of the project
• 8 ICT applications developed and demonstrated
• 105-110% of self-sufficiency level balance achieved via integrated technology packages
• 20-25% reduction of PEB costs due to integrated systems and market links
• 10-15% emission reduction of end users
• 25-30% energy bill reduction of end users by the end of the project
• 85-90% improved indoor environment leading to higher rate of user satisfaction based on their demand and behaviour
• 10-15% increase in the share of PEB market update by 2030
• 100 members of stakeholder groups involved
• 40-50 discussions (at least) with potential customers
• 20 discussions (at least) with potential partners
• 80 stakeholders with increased capacity on PEBs
• 8 events at local/national level
• 4 events at EU level
• 6 European events (at least) at which the project will be presented
• 5 presentations in workshops, seminars or other events by industry associations
• 2 workshops (at least) with other EC funded projects
• 1 national congress/year attended
• 10 scientific publications
• 6 journal articles
• 5 articles in industrial magazines
• 4 academic papers
• 3 press releases about the project
• 2 white papers
• 8 project eNewsletters published (2 per year), distributed to at least 300 key contacts at EU level per eNewsletter
• 8 project product exploitation plans
• 1 post/week on the website
• 50’000 unique visitors to the website by the end of the project, > 1’000 visits/month due to cross-linking, referencing
• 100’000 engagements on social media
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What we are achieving
ICLEI leads EXCESS' communications and dissemination work package as well as specific replication activities with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of PEBs, engaging industry and the public sector and roll out rapid replication of PEBs in Europe. The additional role of ICLEI in the project is to assess the proliferation of Plus Energy Buildings across the EU, by means of stock taking, interviews and statistical analyses.