What we did
The City of Lake Oswego Oregon is committed to addressing climate change to build a healthy, vibrant community for generations to come. In 2017, led by a small group of citizens, City Council adopted a goal to "support the creation of a Climate Action Plan based on advice from the Sustainability Advisory Board, consistent with Council policy direction." Council engaged an advisory committee consisting of several constituent groups to develop a series of proposed climate actions. After review and revision of the proposed actions, they were released for public comment in March 2018. City Council approved the actions to be incorporated into a revised Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. City staff are currently working to incorporate the actions into a revised Sustainability Action Plan for City Operations Lake Oswego desires to update its (GHG) inventory based on 2006 data. Additionally, the City recognizes the importance of quantifying the GHG reduction potential and feasibility of the actions suggested by the Citizen committee in order to move toward City goals with the highest level of efficacy. The citizen’s group attempted to quantify potential GHG reductions in their input to the City. An updated GHG inventory and calculation of projected emissions reduction based on standard protocols will ensure that actions can be consistently evaluated and tracked in the future. Finally, the City also recognizes the impact of climate change is beginning to manifest in the region in the form of severe storms, heat, wildfire, and variability in water supplies. The City wishes to map its hazards and vulnerabilities to ensure that critical assets, residents, and businesses are prepared and protected.
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