What we did
The project addresses the challenges of precarious work conditions and gender inequalities along the supply chain. The general objective of the project is to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement in the EU based on the existing legal framework and enhance the market opportunities for social economy enterprises.
Specifically, the project aimed to contribute to an improved general understanding of how public buyers can successfully put SRPP into practice in their organisations.
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How we tracked
Good practice cases were sought from public buyers across Europe and beyond, and as a result, 71 cases from 27 countries are presented in this collection, from 22 Member States plus 5 non-EU countries. As the application of SRPP varies across Member States, the cases range from entry-level/beginner level, through to intermediate and advanced. They address a diverse selection of products and services, as well as encompassing all aspects and phases of public procurement (including the pre- and post-tendering phases) and a broad range of public buyers, ranging from local governments to central purchasing bodies and hospitals.
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What we achieved
The European Commission (EC) has produced a report that collects good practices on socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) - Making socially responsible public procurement work. 71 good practice cases - , and ICLEI has supported the EC to identify these outstanding examples from local, regional, national and European buyers. There were two main activities: 1) Publish a collection of at least 70 good practice cases on the implementation of socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) practices in Europe by public entities 2) Implement a communication campaign targeting public bodies and social enterprises to increase awareness and action on the topic.
The main idea was to publish and promote a significant number of good practice experiences illustrating correct use of procurement procedures and (relevant) policies, that can act as inspiration – both for procurers and social economy enterprises – to increase awareness on SRPP and ultimately serve as a vehicle for replication and uptake across Europe.
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