What we are doing
The Enabling African Cities for Transformative Energy Access (ENACT) programme aims to create an enabling environment for the public and private sector to work together in improving clean and affordable energy (especially clean cooking) access for the urban poor living in African urban informal settlements. To date, the project has been implemented in Kampala, Uganda and Freetown, Sierra Leone, under three work packages, addressing three main challenges hindering the uptake of clean energy interventions in African urban informal settlements:
1. Limited knowledge and capacity among local governments to plan and deliver market-led energy access interventions in partnership with the private sector.
2. Low support to the private sector in commercially scaling locally relevant, reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy access solutions in urban informal settlements and slums.
3. Limited knowledge and data on energy access gaps in urban informal settlements and slums, and opportunities to improve access.
As such, the ENACT project has been addressing these challenges by working with the public and private sector across the following three work packages:
1. Capacity building of local governments in urban energy data collection and planning, including in-depth engagements with the public sector to better support private sector involvement in delivering locally relevant and affordable energy access solutions, and linking interventions to their local mandates.
2. Design, pilot, and test energy access implementation models led by the private sector with support from the public sector.
3. Knowledge dissemination to share lessons for scale-up and replication in urban areas across sub-Saharan Africa, with a special focus on clean cooking energy for the urban poor, particularly those living and working in informal settlements.
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How we are tracking
Number of innovations and best practices scaled or replicated in urban areas of GKMA and beyond (2)
Number of households, small businesses, and institutions with improved access to clean cooking solutions (6000)
Number of government officials trained (40)
Number of consumers in target informal settlements accessing clean cooking solutions through new financing models. (3000)
Pathways and capacities are developed for the public sector to facilitate finance for clean cooking projects; Private sector actors have enhanced ability to attract appropriate business finance; Strategies to address consumer affordability gaps are developed and implemented.
- Number of financing mechanisms established to support clean cooking projects (2)
- Amount of finance mobilised by public and private sector actors for clean cooking initiatives in the GKMA.
- Number of knowledge products developed to enhance flow of funding for clean cooking access in urban informal settlements (1)
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What we are achieving
The ENACT-Uganda Scaleup (ENACT-US) project builds on the success generated during the previous phase of work and builds continuity in supporting the development of a wider and deeper enabling environment for implementation of public sector enabled, market-led improved and clean cooking access solutions in the GKMA, while also enhancing the capacity of local and national government authorities for sustainable and scaled implementation of clean cooking interventions.
The intervention aims to significantly scale up access to clean cooking services for 6,000 households living in informal settlements within the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA), contributing to improved clean energy access . By facilitating this transition, ENACT-US will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to the mobilisation of both public and private finance for clean cooking initiatives. The intervention is designed to drive a transformational change in urban clean cooking solutions, promoting long-term sustainability and resilience.
Our experience implementing the ENACT project to date shows that the private sector needs the support of the public sector to engage these communities, establish sales points, and deliver their interventions within the communities. Hence, providing adequate support to the public sector will enhance their buy-in and enable them to provide the needed support to the private sector. Also, providing targeted awareness creation and knowledge dissemination at all levels has been instrumental to the success of the ENACT project in Kampala.
ENACT-US commit to an improved and clean cooking access target of 6000 households, small businesses and institutions, amongst other targets.
ENACT-US is positioned within broader programme of work referred to as the Uganda Clean Cooking Programme (UCCP). The UCCP supported by FCDO-Uganda at the request of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) The programme brings together strategic development partners (ICLEI, MECS, Global Green Growth Initiative, as well as NREP) in a collaborative endeavour, anchored by the MEMD, with the intent to catalyse clean cooking access in Uganda.
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