What we did
Students at George Mason University are creating GHGIs for several communities and local governments utilizing ICLEI’s ClearPath software. However, this course is the first introduction to the tool for these students, and they require the support of ICLEI staff to learn how to properly develop community-wide and local government operations inventories with the data they’ve received from their assigned communities and local governments.
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What we achieved
ICLEI is providing a technical advisor to instruct students in their use of ClearPath to create CW and/or LGO inventories for their respective clients. ICLEI staff is providing instruction through a presentation and recorded walkthrough of the ClearPath tool, broken into sections specific to energy, transportation, etc.. ICLEI staff will also answer any questions from students or instructors throughout the course, and QAQC the final inventories. In doing so, ICLEI can ensure that these students have created inventories that adhere to the US Community Protocol and Local Government Operations Protocol and accurately represent emissions for their respective community or local government.
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