What we did
In many countries renewable energy (RE) potential remains largely untapped, with a need to scale up viable local implementation projects using local RE (e.g.: wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and bioenergy). At the national level, existing frameworks typically do not enable local RE roll-out, despite acknowledgement that this is needed to increase the share of RE in the national energy mix. Global electricity demand is projected to increase by 69% by 2040 , further exacerbating the challenge to cover demand increasingly and ideally exclsively from RE. The global carbon intensity of electricity generation decreased only 3.5% in 20 years. In other sectors, the barriers are even higher: RE accounted for only 4% of the energy used in road transport and 8% of heating and cooling in 2015. The distortion of the energy market by fossil fuel subsidies is a significant barrier to the wide-scale deployment of RE. Challenges to be addressed include reduced dependence on fossil fuels imports, enhancing energy independence and security, sustainable economic development of own energy industries, among others.
Global electricity demand is projected to increase by 69% by 2040 , further exacerbating the challenge to cover demand increasingly and ideally exclusively from RE. The global carbon intensity of electricity generation decreased only 3.5% in 20 years. In other sectors, the barriers are even higher: RE accounted for only 4% of the energy used in road transport and 8% of heating and cooling in 2015. The distortion of the energy market by fossil fuel subsidies is a significant barrier to the wide-scale deployment of RE. Challenges to be addressed include reduced dependence on fossil fuels imports, enhancing energy independence and security, sustainable economic development of own energy industries, among others.
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How we tracked
By November 2019, three (3) National Advisory Groups, one in each project country, are established as mechanisms for policy dialogue and multi-level cooperation to explore 100% renewable energy pathways and enabling frameworks.
By September 2019, one (1) deep-dive cities / regions and two (2) network cities / regions per country have been selected and are committed to project implementation (total 9 cities / regions).
By the end of February 2023, at least 45 representatives (local decision-makers, municipal staff, and key local stakeholder) from project countries have been actively engaged in 100% RE related capacity building with support from peer learning and cooperation activities with experts, in-country or internationally.
By the end of February 2023, at least three (3) local strategies towards 100%RE (at least one per project country) including at least five (5) priority 100% RE actions each are developed.
By the end of February 2023, at least three (3) cities/ regions in Argentina, Indonesia and Kenya will be continuously supported to develop or review local policies, administrative procedures, regulations and other instruments to favor renewable energy generation, management and use as a result of the strategy definition
By the end of March 2020, a list of potential donors and their funding guidelines has been compiled and made available for the project cities.
By the end of March 2022, each deep dive cities / regions in the project countries present between one (1) and three (3) RE projects (new or in the basis of existing plans), which contributes to the achievement of local 100% RE strategies and takes into consideration funding criteria of potential donor institutions and are therefore bankable.
By the end of February 2023, twelve (12) case studies are developed and published, showing the process of planning for local strategies for the transition to 100% RE and highlighting its benefits. These will include environmental, socio economic, sustainability and resilience benefits that could contribute to national climate and energy policies as well as to the SDGs.
By the end of March 2021, one (1) 100% RE Solutions Package is developed, providing guidance for the development and implementation of a community-wide 100% RE strategy.
By the end of March 2022, one (1) guidance and capacity building package is developed for local governments on 100% RE covering policy, technology and finance modules.
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What we achieved
The project promotes multilevel governance policy dialogue, strengthen capacities and encourage the development of national, regional and local enabling frameworks to unlock local RE potential, also addressing energy efficiency. ICLEI will showcase how local projects and policies contribute to the achievement of national climate and energy targets in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other policy objectives such as energy security and job creation, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.
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