What we did
The Pennsylvania Local Climate Action Program partners upper-level Penn State students with local governments to determine their contribution to climate change and help them draw down their emissions and adapt to climate change. In analyzing their contributions to climate change, local governments, often from smaller townships and boroughs, obtain an emissions inventory and business-as-usual forecast that can inform future climate action.
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How we tracked
Students successfully understand how to develop community-wide and local government operations inventories for participating local governments (verified by QAQC)
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What we achieved
As part of this cohort, ICLEI USA provides student groups and local government partners with access to its ClearPath GHG emissions management software. ICLEI USA also assigns a technical advisor to provide guidance and instruction in GHG data collection and entry into the software, to assess completed inventories for quality, and to help develop 2030 mitigation targets and model mitigation strategies. ICLEI technical staff also supported the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) in gathering data and developing an inventory of DCNR emissions.
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