What we are doing
Local energy initiatives have sprouted across the EU in recent years, bringing together more traditional stakeholders, such as investors, producers and consumers of energy, with citizens and communities, allowing them to have an active role in the energy transition. These citizens and communities are not just consumers, they become prosumers, producing and using their own renewable energy, engaging in energy storage, demand-side management and other innovative activities.
PROSEU enables the mainstreaming of the prosumer phenomenon into the European Energy Union. Its overall objective is to determine what incentive structures will make the mainstreaming of renewable energy (RE) prosumerism possible and, in so doing, safeguarding citizen participation, inclusiveness and transparency. The project demonstrates what incentivises citizens to become active in the local energy transition. It showcases the myriad forms of renewable energy communities, the potential of different business and financial models, given the right (legal) enabling frameworks, as well as the potential of RE technologies for prosumers in rural and urban environments. Local governments will receive valuable input on how prosumerism can best be enabled and therefore contribute to local energy transitions.
Project partners have engaged a diverse group of prosumer initiatives to engage with the project in the form of 15 Living labs in 9 European countries. They act as a co-creation space for, among others, grassroots communities, start-ups and new RE prosumer businesses, NGOs and initiatives promoted by local governments. PROSEU supports these stakeholders with analysing their challenges and contributes to solutions for (collective) prosumer ambitions in the Living Labs.
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How we are tracking
4 international workshops organised, attended by over 30 stakeholders in total
10 or more focus groups with over 100 national stakeholders involved
30 or more meetings with the Living labs with an average of 20 participants each (over 300 participants in total)
5 webinars organised, attended by 20 participants (over 100 in total)
1 final project event with over 80 participants
11 networking events at which project is presented, with at least 40 participants each
14 peer-reviewed scientific publications (at least 8 open access) with 400-500 downloads (35 each)
850 downloads of project outputs (50 downloads each)
8 popular and technical publications (at least) with 100 downloads each (800 downloads in total)
7 briefs produced (4 policy + 3 industry briefs) with an estimated total of 1050 downloads (150 per brief)
2 videos produced and promoted with 500-1000 views per video shared via social media
4 podcasts of international workshops
200 photos on Flickr
9 infographics
9 factsheets (25 downloads each, at least 450 downloads in total)
3 newsletters covering at least 10’000 contacts
22 published press releases and press articles (2 per partner)
50-100 monthly visits to the website from month 12, increasing towards the end of the project
600 posts on Twitter
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What we are achieving
ICLEI is leading the project’s work on deepening the knowledge acquired on mainstreaming renewable energy (RE) prosumerism into the energy system through selected Living labs across Europe. ICLEI is engaged in synthesising the lessons learned through experimentation and co-learning across 15 Living Labs working on specific prosumer initiatives from 9 Member States. ICLEI leads on the Living lab methodology and analyses their motivation and vision, organisational structure, challenges and needs, as well as drivers for action. ICLEI will publish a “Renewable Energy Prosumer Inspiration Book” showing how co-creation worked in practice in the Living Labs and will highlight commonalities and solutions employed/designed during the process. The data and knowledge produced will be channelled into recommendations for mainstreaming prosumerism across the EU. ICLEI is leading on the dissemination and communication strategy, including the plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results and managing all communication channels. ICLEI among others coordinates the dissemination of scientific research, develops a Prosumer Community of Interests and will organise a final project event.
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