What we are doing
Yeoncheon County, joined as a ICLEI member since November 2023, has collaborated with ICLEI KO utilising its abundant natural assets harnessing DMZ area and UNESCO-designated sites. As Yeoncheon faces demographic decline and aims to rehabilitate communities with its nature-based capital, Yeoncheon uses international cooperation and ESD for future generations to make foundation of Yeoncheon's local actions and sustainable development, regarding the UNESCO-designated sites.
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How we are tracking
1. By the next year, Yeoncheon will complete construction of UNESCO Centre, acting as the hub for holistic education and ecosystem conservation of UNESCO BR and Geopark.
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What we are achieving
Symposium, co-hosted with ICLEI KO and Yeoncheon County, is aim to foster future genenrations' awareness and capacity to engage in biodiversity and ecosystem conservation activities throughout UNESCO-designated sites in Yeoncheon. Also for the city biodiversity practitioners, the Symposium provides rich case studies from other UNESCO management sites in Japan and Germany. ICLEI seeks not only to enhance the local biodiversity actions, but also to build strong partnership with the member LG Yeoncheon and other partner organisations such as UNESCO and MAB Committees in East Asia regions. The Symposium will acknowledge and disemminate the importance of collaboration of diverse stakeholders including the future generations in terms of local biodiversity actions and sustainable development of local communities in the UNESCO-designated sites.
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