What we are doing
The main objective of C-TRACK 50 is to support the attainment of the long term energy and climate targets of the European Union for 2050. In this aspect, C-TRACK 50 focuses on endorsing the EU target of 80 % (domestic) emission reductions by 2050 at a sub-national level, but also considering carbon neutrality by 2050. This is an ambitious goal that could be adopted at a regional or national level, thus facilitating its attainment at a local one. One of the key challenges in all participating countries is that at a regional/municipal level, there is a lack of technical know-how and expertise, in addition to insufficient resources, for developing and implementing long term energy and climate policy planning. This highlights the need to support regions and municipalities when developing and implementing such plans. Therefore, a better collaboration among all governance levels (local, regional, national, EU) to achieve the set goals is needed. C-TRACK 50 employs an innovative approach in empowering regional/local authorities, by building their capacity and addressing barriers in energy planning, as well as enabling them to actively contribute to the EU’s long term energy policy targets, by introducing the carbon neutrality concept at regional/local level, ensuring at the same time multi governance collaboration at all levels to facilitate planning processes.
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