What we are doing
The overall objective of the project is to contribute enhancing climate action and transition to a low carbon resilient economy in Korea and the European Union by fostering exchange and strong cooperation between the non-state actors. The project purposes are (1) to establish between EU-KOR non-state actors networking, dialogue and exchange in the climate change and low carbon development fields and (2) to facilitate establishing EU-KOR stakeholder cooperation in climate actions. The consortium plays a central role of facilitating the exchange through their expert inputs and developing joint platform. The project invites EU and Korean non-state actors including local and regional governments to join, share and accelerate climate action. Exchanging best practices, matching needs and advice in the organised setting of a joint platform from stakeholders for stakeholders will lead to focused and accelerated climate actions in prioritised climate action fields. This will increase the replication of successes, avoid repetition of failures, and generally lead to more ambitious and impactful climate actions. Facilitating these exchanges, stimulating learning and sharing, and overcoming barriers between like-minded and willing stakeholders in the EU and in Korea will create better mutual understanding and collaboration of the targeted non-state actors. Targeted actors include nationwide and sub-national non-state stakeholders and stakeholder networks, including but not limited to, local and regional government authorities, NGOs and CSOs, industry, business intermediaries and businesses, academia, and media, among others.
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